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Welcome to the world of BrightStag Films

Who we are

We are intuitive creative thinkers and passionate collaborators who create and develop original content. Our team is composed of award-winning professionals from a variety of backgrounds, who are committed to producing quality films that have a positive impact on the world. We are proud to be able to connect and service internationally, and to manifest our projects with a conscious green approach. Join us on a journey of creative exploration and social change.

Feature Film: Desposyni

Introducing: Legends of the LORD - The 18 Missing Years

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The story of Jesus Christ has been told many, many times. In the New Testament, Jesus vanishes at age twelve and reappears at age thirty with spiritual wisdom, knowledge to heal, perform miracles, control the elements, cast out demons, and raise the dead. He begins his three-year ministry which ends in his assassination, resurrection, and ascension. 


The 18 Missing Years profiles the studies and travels of  YESHUA BEN YOSEF i.e. Jesus son of Joseph. At age thirteen, Yeshua departed on the Silk Road with Prince Ravanna of India to learn the wisdom of Brahm and study at Temple Jagannath. After many years in India, he goes to Lhasa in Tibet to study with the Greatest Sage of the Far East, Meng-ste, and to learn the compassion of the Buddha. 


Yeshua continues his travels to the Fire Temples of Arura Mazda in Persia and reunites with the Three Magi in Persepolis. He walks through destroyed Babylon and sees the sacrificial altar of Baal. 


After more than a decade, Yeshua returns home to Nazareth where he is not well received by his brothers. He soon sails for Greece where he becomes a hero and is read by the Oracle of Delphi. Yeshua’s final destination, before beginning his ministry, is Egypt where he submits to the deepest trials, highest tests, and secret initiations of the Egyptian Sacred Brotherhood. 


Our passion lies in creating impactful and meaningful storytelling for film & tv. Let's create together.

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